Meningkatkan Literasi dan Numerasi Siswa dengan Ruang Eksplorasi pada SDN Terusan 2 Kabupaten Mojokerto


  • Masnia Ningsih Universitas Islam Majapahit
  • Ratnaningrum Zusyana Dewi Universitas Islam Mojokerto



Literacy, Numeracy, exploration space, Learning Outcomes


The importance of adapting technology to produce innovative learning processes so that students can achieve learning outcomes includes aspects of attitude, knowledge and skills optimally and are always relevant to the demands of the times. From the results of the observations made, an overview of the problems that have arisen at SDN Terusan 2 has been obtained, namely the low literacy and numeracy abilities of the students at the school. This is due to the indiscipline of students in the learning process and also the lack of infrastructure owned by the school to support the learning process, such as the absence of a proper and adequate school library and also the school does not have projector or laptop equipment to be used in supporting the process of adapting technology for students. student. In carrying out this community service activity, the feasibility study method was used, where the output of the activity was in the form of improving students' abilities in literacy and numeracy through the existence of an exploration space. This can be seen from the increased interest and high enthusiasm for learning from students to go to school, from the beginning each class only contained 50% of the number of students each day, to 80-100% attendance. And this has an impact on increasing the value of the evaluation results of students at SDN Terusan 2 at the end of the semester.


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How to Cite

Masnia Ningsih, & Ratnaningrum Zusyana Dewi. (2023). Meningkatkan Literasi dan Numerasi Siswa dengan Ruang Eksplorasi pada SDN Terusan 2 Kabupaten Mojokerto. Prapanca : Jurnal Abdimas, 3(1), 77–83.