Announcement of Additional Number of Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Articles


To All Authors, Editors, and Loyal Readers of the Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi

We are pleased to announce that starting from March 2023 Issue (Volume 11 No. 1 March 2023 ) Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi will increase the number of journal articles published in one issue

As a step to improve the quality and publication of scientific publications in the field of Communication Studies, we have decided to increase our publishing capacity to provide researchers with more opportunities to publish their work.

In previous issues, we usually published 8 (eight) articles in one issue. However, starting with the March issue, we will increase the number of articles to 12 (twelve) articles in one issue.

Thus, there will be more space for researchers to publish their high-quality articles in the Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi.

We hope that increasing the number of articles will provide more opportunities for researchers to contribute to advancing the field of Communication Science and increasing the visibility and reputation of the Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi in the academic world. We remain committed to maintaining high publication standards and a strict peer-review process to ensure that every published article remains of high quality and contributes to the development of science.

We invite interested authors to submit their research articles to the Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi according to the established writing guidelines. We also expect support and participation from reviewers, editors and readers to maintain the quality of our publications.

Thank you for your support and trust in the Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi. We look forward to continuing to work together in advancing the world of research.


Best regards,

Editorial Team of Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi