Kepemimpinan Transformasional Karakter Hughie Campbell Dalam Film The Boys


  • Dani Ramadhan Universitas Airlangga



Tranformational Leadership, Character Analysis, Moral Leadership, Case Study


Leadership is an essential element in every organization, including the one featured in the movie.
This research aims to analyze the character of Hughie Campbell in the The Boys series through the
perspective of transformational leadership. The purpose of this research is to show the character of
Hughie, despite not having superpowers, able to display strong leadership characteristics and
influence his peers. This research uses a case study approach and descriptive method to delve deeper
into the transformational leadership characteristics possessed by Hughie, such as idealized
influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. The
results showed that Hughie was able to influence his colleagues through strong moral principles,
providing inspiration in difficult situations, and encouraging his team to think critically and
encouraged his team to think critically in the face of challenges. In addition, he also paid attention
to the well-being of individuals in the team, which created a closer working relationship. closer
working relationships. This study concludes that transformational leadership theory is relevant to
analyze in a fictional context and has real implications in understanding leadership in the real


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