Legal Protection of Daily Workers (Gig Workers) in Digital Era


  • Rika Jamin Marbun Panca Budi Development University



Legal protection, daily worker (gig worker), digital era


The development of the digital era has affected various aspects of human life, including employment issues. This is marked by the emergence of the gig economy which indicates an increase the number of daily workers being recruited through online job vacancy. The use of internet-based technology is utilized by employers by offering jobs through an online platform with a work contract system that makes it easy for job seekers to obtain information. In addition, workers are given flexibility, especially in terms of time and workload. The minimum recruitment costs, no obligation to provide bonuses and the freedom to call workers when needed provide major advantages for employers. This situation has the potential to create space for employers to neglect their obligations to fulfill workers' basic rights. For example, the lack of wage monitoring because the amount of wages depends on the type of work, other allowances are not given because when the work is completed, wages are paid immediately without bonuses and awards. In addition, workers are responsible for the risks of their work because of the lack of protection in social security as a result of the unclear employment agreements. The research method used is normative juridical with the type of library research through collecting library materials as the main source. Daily workers are not explicitly mentioned in Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower, but protection for workers in labor regulations also applies to daily workers who classified into a specific time work agreement (PKWT).


