Strategy And Contribution Human Resource Development Trought Increased Productivity And Economy Creative To Household Financial Income In Kelurahan Pasar Belakang Sibolga City
Human Resources, Productivity, Economy Creative, Financial IncomesAbstract
This research is motivated by the large number of salted fish traders in Sibolga City, especially in Kelurahan Pasar Belakang with low education, minim information and low application of technology and a weak level of household economic financial income. This study aims to analyze: 1)What is the strategy and contribution of human resource development to increase household economic income? 2) How to increase productivity with the contribution of human resource development to increase household economic income? 3) What is the strategy and contribution of the creative economy to household income? 4) How does the development of human resources, increased productivity and the creative economy affect household financial income in Kelurahan Pasar Belakang?.This study uses qualitative research with data sources used include primary data and secondary data.Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques performed include data collection, data reduction, data presentation and verification (conclusion).The sampling technique used purposive sampling with 7 informants. The results of this study are as follows; 1) Strategies and contributions to human resource development that are applied to UMKM product salted fish businesses can increase household economic productivity and income through motivation, training, seeking information and increasing skills and interest in selling salted fish. 2) The increase in productivity applied to the salted fish MSME business has been well implemented by giving examples and demonstrations. 3) Improving the strategy and contribution of the creative economy by creating ideas and creativity in the design of salted fish packaging is good enough and can increase the economic income of merchant households in Kelurahan Pasar Belakang. 4) With the development of human resources,increased productivity and creative economy have a significant positive effect on household financial income in Kelurahan Pasar belakang.