
  • Procedding International Conference on Media And Communication
    Vol. 3 (2023)



                The development of advanced media and communication technologies has shaped the various forms and model of communication practices in everyday life of the communities in Southeast Asian. The uses of mass media and new communication and information technologies have brought consequences on the economy, politics, and socio-cultural practices of the SEA region. Paul Virilio (2011) suggested that the speed of information (and information bombs) within the society at large have impacted into the occurrences of economy, intersecting business    and political aspects, and disrupting the perseverance of high-local socio-cultural values, norms, and ideological system.

                The changes on technological developments have shaped many ways of responses of the governments and societies in the Southeast Asian context. Moreover, the global cultural movements attempted by various social structures in the local societies, in turn, have brought many particular forms of adaptations, adoptions, and negotiations that initiated by and from local/collective cultures.

                This third conference covers issues and discourses that have been taken place in the societies of the Southeast Asian countries and discussing about the intersecting business and consequences from the advancement of global communication and media technological developments. The conference also aims to look at closely on the various forms of responses of the government, the communities, the individuals, and the media institutions and their current practices in terms of social, politics, and culture in the Southeast Asian countries.

    The conference thus invites papers, work progress, studies that have been done in the areas of communication, media studies, cultural studies, and social sciences at large from scholars from Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries.

    Objectives of the conference

    1. To discuss issues and discourses on the recent developments of communication and media technologies within the contexts of Southeast Asian
    2. To build networks among scholars of Indonesia and other SEA countries in the field areas of communications and media studies
    3. To enrich knowledge on research, methodologies, and theories of communications and media studies in Indonesia and SEA
    4. To disseminate and publish new perspectives, particularly from Indonesian and SEAscholars, in the field areas of communications and media studies

    Sub Themes:

    1. Digital Marketing
    2. Digital Public Relations
    3. Communication Organization in Digital Interaction
    4. Culture Interaction in Digital Media
    5. Society and Digital Technology Interaction
    6. Consumer Culture in Digital Era
    7. Entrepreneurship in Digital Era
    8. Health Communication in Digital Industry
    9. Gender and Minority in Digital Industry
    10. Tourism and Hospitality in Global Innovation
    11. Digital Labour Opportunity and Threat
    12. Global Government Interaction and Policy in Digital Era
    13. Gender and Sexuality
    14. Journalism
    15. Broadcasting
    16. Management
    17. Administration

    Keynote Speakers:

    1. Johnny Gerard Plate, S.E. (Minister of Communication and Information)*
    2. Dr. H. Emil Elestianto Dardak, B. Bus, M. Sc. (Deputy Governor of East Java)*

    Invited Speakers:

    1. Dr. Aman Agarwal (Indian Institute of Finance)
    2. Muhammet Erbay (Selcuk University, Turkey)
    3. Carolina D. Ditan (Faculty of the Graduate School  De La Salle Araneta University Jose Rizal University Philipoines)
    4. Mujtaba M. Momin (American University of Middle-East, Kuwait)
    5. Ifit Novita Sari, M. Pd (Universitas Islam Malang – Alumni College of Communication Studies AWS (Stikosa-AWS))
    6. Dr. Eko Pamuji, M. I.Kom (Head of Communication Science Study Program Stikosa AWS )