Constructions of Youth Identities in Youtube
Textual Analysis of “Kids Jaman Now” Content on the Ecko Show and Fikrifadlu's YouTube Channel
Youth, Identity, YouTube, Textual AnalysisAbstract
Youth is the most unique stage of development, full of dynamics and problems throughout human life. During this period there were fundamental changes from various aspects, including biological, cognitive and social. Young people in the digital era are trying to find their identity through social media, including YouTube. An interesting phenomenon is the emergence of viral content entitled “Kids Jaman Now”. This study aims to see how the identity of young people is constructed through the contents of "Kids Jaman Now" on the YouTube channel of Ecko Show and Fikrifadlu. Researchers use textual analysis which aims to make it easier to interpret text as a social reality that has and produces meaning. The results of this study indicate that the content leads to the formation of negative youth identities as narcissistic and individualistic generations, the hedonism generation, the decline in moral values and the emergence of the LGBT phenomenon.
Keywords: Youth, Identity, YouTube, Textual Analysis
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