Use Of Social Media By The Tourism And Culture Office Of Malang Regency To Increase The Number Of Tourist Visits In Malang Regency
Social Media, Number of Tourist Visits, Tourism, the Tourism and Culture Office of Malang RegencyAbstract
This study aims to determine how the use of social media by the Department of Tourism and Malang Regency in increasing the number of tourists in Malang Regency and to find out the obstacles in the use of social media by the tourism and cultural department of Malang in increasing the number of tourist visits in Malang Regency. This study uses qualitative research by analyzing the use of social media by the Department of Tourism and Malang Regency. Data collection techniques are carried out on research to obtain data information through interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the use of social media conducted by the Department of Tourism and Culture of Malang Regency is quite helpful in increasing the number of tourist visits in Malang Regency. By paying attention to several factors that affect the effectiveness of the message conveyed through social media, the factor is the content of photos and videos that are interesting, easy to understand and right on target, according to the needs of the audience and provide a suggestion and get responses. The obstacles encountered by the Malang Regency Tourism and Culture Office in utilizing social media to increase the number of tourists coming to Malang Regency are the lack of specialized human resources to fill their social media content. Another obstacle is that sometimes the data obtained from others does not match the facts in the field.
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