Konstruksi Identitas Gren Nord 27 sebagai Kelompok Suporter Gaya Ultras


  • Rina Rizky Cahyani Stikosa - AWS
  • Ratna Puspita Sari Stikosa - AWS




Identity Construction, Green Nord 27, Ultras, Persebaya


Persebaya as a football club originating from the city of Surabaya has a famous group of supporters called Bonek. Within the Bonek group there is a sub-group called Green Nord 27. This group has a vision to change the image of the bonek which has had a bad image in society. One of the characteristics of the Green Nord 27 group when they were in the stadium was occupying the north side of the stands with attractive shouts. Based on this phenomenon, this study aims to describe how the identity construction and cultural influences of Ultras supporters form on Green Nord. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach initiated by Edmund Husserl. The results of this study found that the identity construction of Green Nord 27 acculturates foreign habits or cultures that are considered good and suitable to maintain existence. The support style of Ultras in Italy has shaped the identity of Green Nord as a group of Persebaya supporters which is the identity of the City of Surabaya.


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