Fenomena Ghozali Everyday Di Twitter Dan Non Fungible Token


  • Anisia Trilenia Stikosa-AWS




Ghozaly Everyday, Non Fungible Token (NFT), Twitter


Ghozali's selfie content uploaded in Non-Fungible Token (NFT) earned a lot of high profits. This made Ghozali viral on social media. Ghozali continues to upload these selfies and promote them through his twitter account under the name "Ghozali Everyday". This phenomenon attracts a lot of attention of the general public. The purpose of this study is to find out how the Ghozali Everyday Non-Fungible Token (Nft) Phenomenon on Twitter. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive research. Informants in this study are followers of the @Ghozali_Ghozalu account. This study uses Husserl's phenomenological theory, namely to understand the phenomenon one must examine the phenomenon as it is. Therefore, one must temporarily store or isolate the assumptions, beliefs, and knowledge that they already have in order to be able to see the phenomenon as it really is or carry out the bracketing process. Based on the results of the study, the researchers found that this vira ghozali phenomenon influenced the public to sell photos or other works at NFT, especially the Indonesian people. Twitter is one of the social media that is currently booming among the public, and through this social media Ghozali managed to push himself.


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